Dear Companions,
It will come as no surprise that the Annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter due to take place on Saturday 20 March 2021 has been postponed.
We have booked two provisional dates with Derby Masonic Hall – Saturday 19th June and Saturday 6th November. We hope one of them will prove suitable.
We are all only too painfully aware of the difficult times through which we are living. The Annual Convocation scheduled for March last year had to be cancelled, but all the Appointments, Re-appointments and Promotions were effective from that date.
A small meeting took place in October to carry out essential business with just a handful of Companions allowed to be present.
Clearly, circumstances have meant that those appointed to acting rank have not been able to enjoy their position as no events have taken place. This is a terrible shame as not only is it a great honour to be appointed to an acting office, but it is also a very convivial year. It is the intention of the Grand Superintendent to re-appoint this year’s acting officers so that they may enjoy a full and proper year in office. There will be three changes because the meeting marks the retirement of EComp Philip Wright as Second Provincial Grand Principal – EComp. Edward Foulds will be promoted to Second Provincial Grand Principal, EComp. Graham Boyd will be promoted to Third Provincial Grand Principal and EComp. Stuart Riley will be promoted to Scribe N. I am sure you will join with me in congratulating all the re-appointments and promotions, and hope that they will all have an opportunity to enjoy their roles more fully in the 2021-22 season.
As I reported to you last Autumn, those Past Zs from 2018 who might well have expected to receive a first appointment in 2021 will unfortunately have to wait another year. The Past Zs of 2019 will wait until 2023; but the new Zs of 2021 will be considered for first appointment in 2024, because there were no new Zs appointed in 2020. In 2024 the situation will therefore have reverted to the usual time scale.
Promotion in Provincial Rank has, as a general rule, increased over the years to every seven years. The Grand Superintendent wishes to reduce this wait and members who continue to work diligently and give good support to their Chapters will be promoted after six years in 2021, and five years thereafter. This is not a hard and fast rule and the Grand Superintendent may appoint and promote whomever he wishes at his sole discretion.
There will be just one first appointment in 2021 but there will also be re-appointments to Acting Office and new Promotions in Past Rank. All are detailed below, and all will be effective at noon on Saturday 20 March 2021, regardless of when the physical meeting takes place.