Dear Companions,

I hope you are all continuing to keep well and stay safe, and those that are requiring assistance from Almoners and other able brethren and companions are receiving it .

Some of you may also have taken advantage of the meal offers from both Chesterfield and Burton Freemasons Halls.

However to further stimulate our daily advancement I also hope many you have subscribed to Solomon  and have found some topics of interest to you.

Having reviewed the limited feedback I have had since last week’s introductory communication, rather than simply post reference to an appropriate nugget,  I have also given a link to a paper for those who seek a further stimulant.

Therefore to start our advancement I have selected two items from Solomon which once having read and contemplated, you may wish to discuss via whatever media you are using to maintain contact with your fellow Companions.

Your feedback and suggestions for future topics would be appreciated.


“Explanation after Exaltation”

We should all be familiar now with the recent introduction of “Setting the Scene”, which not only assists the exaltee in understanding the ceremony he is experiencing, but also reminds all present of the circumstances and differing scenes during the exaltation story. This together with the introductory booklets, and on occasions the explanations of the Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate, are all reminders of the Order and the ceremony. This nugget is a short paper which assists the new exaltee, but also reminds all other Companions of the Order about the Ceremony, and may well assist us all to reconsider and assist in our conversations with the newer Companion.


“The Vision Splendid”

To follow the above theme in more detail, “The Vision Splendid” is a reflective look at the meaning of the Holy Royal Arch.

I hope the Companions find these of interest and again I welcome your feedback.

Keep well, Stay Safe

Yours sincerely & fraternally
