Dear Companions,

The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent has asked me to write to you to reinforce the messages that you should all have received from UGLE and from Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire.

These messages are that not only have all Masonic meetings been suspended for 4 months, but that all Masonic social gatherings must be cancelled.

The effect of this is that no summonses need be produced, centenary celebrations will be postponed, and all other events will resume when the time is right: because this break has been called by UGLE it will not count as a break in continuous working.

Whilst we will all find this a difficult time we must make sure that the health of our members, particularly those in the high risk categories, takes priority. We should all try to keep in touch with each other to mitigate any effects of isolation. This is the time to fully display those values of Freemasonry to which we all aspire.

The Provincial Office is closed, but staff will be working from home and will continue to supply updates. If you need to, please contact us at the usual e-mail addresses.

This situation will cause problems for our Masonic Halls. The fact that a regular or other meeting has been cancelled should not change our willingness to pay the required capitation to our halls. This is not only the responsible Masonic thing to do, but we all want them to be still viable for when we return.

The Grand Superintendent’s sincere wish is that you all take care and the appropriate precautions and that it is not too long before we will all be together again enjoying our meetings and each other’s company.

Sincerely and fraternally,


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