ROYAL ARCH FORTNIGHTLY 1 – The Colours of The Royal Arch
Dear Companions,
Happy New Year to you all, and I hope this message finds you all and your families well and safe as we now find ourselves in a state of National Lockdown with our Freemasonry suspended.
From March to May last year I issued a series of 10 weekly Learning & Development updates aimed at helping those who required assistance in continuing their daily masonic learning by means of the use of nuggets and presentations to encourage the wider use of Solomon as a learning tool. It had always been my intention to resume these communications following the summer recess. However at that time hopes were rising of a resumption of meetings albeit in reduced numbers, but this did not materialise. Now that we are once more in a state of National Lockdown I thought the time was right to communicate again, first to update you on L&D developments during this time and secondly to recommence the introduction of subjects for research and learning.
During the autumn and winter months there have been many developments within the Solomon application with the addition of modules, videos etc. Indeed the last Learning & Development seminar was held by use of blue button technology added to the Solomon application. Whilst many of the developments at this time have been more directed to the Craft, it was pleasing to see that the first interactive presentation of a Prestonian Lecture was that of our own E Comp John Wade.
I do hope that your Chapter has maintained communications during this difficult time either by use of the “buddy” system which I know many Chapters have adopted (I know I have been grateful for such communications from the Chapters I am attached to) or by use of Zoom meetings which I know several Chapters have adopted to maintain a social contact. Indeed I have been pleased to join several such sessions with Round Table Chapter, Chantrey Chapter and Ecclesburne Chapter in recent months and I am aware of others holding similar sessions. I do hope you are also maintaining contact with the many Master Masons who are awaiting exaltation and emphasising that the wait is well worth it and that we look forward to welcoming them into the Supreme Order when appropriate.
These sessions can be totally for social and welfare reasons, or the opportunity can also be taken to consider a talk either taken from Solomon or from other sources available. We now have a number of Companions designated to deliver talks on behalf of the Province who may be willing to deliver their topics at such a meeting in the absence of a regular convocation. Any Chapter requiring assistance on setting up such a talk should contact me directly.
Finally on this topic I would add my thanks to those of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent to our Provincial Almoner E Comp George Frost, PGStB and the Chapter Almoners for the sterling work they have undertaken over the past year in these difficult times.
And so to the initial reason for contact – a return to topics of learning and development. I hope you find these of interest and all feedback is appreciated .
“Royal Arch Colours”
Often when addressing Craft Lodges on the Royal Arch I refer to it as the “most colourful order in freemasonry” but how often do we forget or take for granted what these colours represent, hopefully this nugget will remind us and be seen as a gentle return to learning and development.
“Symbolism of the Colours”
If the above nugget has whetted your appetite, this presentation which expands on the original exposure to the colours found in the “Ceremony of the Veils”, may expand your understanding.
Hope you enjoy these and I will return to regular updates (probably on a fortnightly basis) for the remainder of the lockdown and until a return to the resumption of regular convocations.
Sincerely & Fraternally