Dear Companions,

Welcome to the second of the resumed communications from Provincial Grand Chapter to assist in the our development of knowledge concerning this Supreme Order.

I am immensely grateful to the feedback received from the previous issue and I presume since I last wrote many have now received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

It has been of great interest to hear from Chapters who have been meeting on a virtual platform (Zoom/Skype/Teams) predominantly for social reasons, although some have extended this to include short talks. The companions of the Learning & Development team have expressed a willingness where available to support those Chapters who are holding such meetings and require a speaker and such requests should at this time be directed to myself (Deputy Grand Superintendent).
In the coming weeks one of the Principals or myself shall be joining such meetings for Ecclesburne, Chantrey, Round Table and St Alkmund Chapters.

Well I hope you enjoy the following Solomon reading and if there particular areas of our Order you would like covering in future communications please let me know.

  NUGGET 12  
“The Four Principal Banners”

The Banners in our Chapters are often described as ornate and have great symbolic meanings not only in our Order but in many other orders and also religions. Their symbolism is often referred to in the Lectures and in the dedication of new banners and Chapters. This reading provides descriptions and biblical references as an introduction to this subject.

“Chapter Furnishings – listed and described”

Well it is a long time since any of us attended a convocation, can we remember all the furnishings in our Chapter? This paper lists 18 items of Chapter furniture and describes them.

If that inspired you to consider further knowledge of the furnishing I would refer you back to the earlier presentation in week 10 last year “The meaning of the furnishing of the Royal Arch” which can be revisited by the link below

Remember Companions to maintain contact with your fellow Companions and if you require assistance please let us know.

Sincerely & Fraternally
