Dear Companions,
Welcome to the eighth of our fortnightly communications aimed at both keeping touch and also encouraging consideration of making the study of the Royal Arch part of our daily masonic learning.
Since my last communication the launch of “Solomon Live” has occurred and I know many of you were amongst the 1,281 who joined the first webinar with Dr David Staples. If you missed it you can still view it at
The next live webinar is to held on Tuesday 4th May @ 7.30 p.m. when Christine Chapman will be discussing “Freemasonry – for Women” and you can register for this from the following link
You should all have received the recent copy of 1st rising which suggests that meetings under the “Rule of 6” may be permitted once we get to Step 3 of the easing of restrictions. However I am sure you will all realise the need to reach Step 4 before we can meet and hold convocations as we have in the past. Remember that once we do reach Step 4, subject to any safety requirements imposed, we will be able to hold convocations and will hopefully be able to proclaim or install Principals, commence the process of exalting the brethren who have been patiently awaiting to join the Royal Arch, and celebrate together at the festive board.
By now I am sure many of our Companions are amongst the 8 million who have received their 2nd vaccinations and I encourage all to ensure they take up their opportunity when it is made available to them.
“Who was Jehoiachin?”
This is the last nugget of those currently available in the Seek & Learn section of Solomon and is a very short reference to Jehoiachin who is briefly referred to in our ritual
“Historical aspects of the Royal Arch”
This paper concerns the biblical history of the Royal Arch story
I hope you enjoy these articles and are well. Remember if you are aware of any Companion in need to assistance to ensure that the Provincial Almoner is aware.
Best wishes and I hope to see you all soon.
Sincerely & Fraternally