To All Chapters Meeting In The Areas Of Derbyshire Designated Tier 2 Or Tier 3 Under The Covid-19 Restrictions

(currently Glossopdale, North East Derbyshire, Chesterfield, Erewash)

You will be aware that the Government has imposed local restrictions on activities within the above areas, and new rules now apply.

As a result, I have taken the decision to suspend all Chapter meetings which would normally take place in these areas, until such time as these restrictions are relaxed and your area reverts to Tier 1. Your area status can be checked by postcode here –

After due consideration of Government guidance, Supreme Grand Chapter guidance, the need to protect the safety of our members and the need to guard the reputation of Freemasonry I have taken this decision with a heavy heart.

For the avoidance of doubt, any summons issued for a meeting over the next few weeks should now be formally withdrawn and a note made in your minute book to this effect. No further summonses should be issued until the suspension is lifted, which will occur automatically when your area reverts to Tier 1.

Meeting places located in Tier 1 areas continue to be permitted under the existing “Rule of 6” regulations – but you are reminded of my advice that meetings are pointless until we can carry out ceremonies in full and follow them with a celebratory festive board (with a few specified exceptions which were communicated to you in July).

Any Chapters which meet in areas which are placed in Tier 2 or Tier 3 in the future will immediately be included in this suspension until their area reverts to Tier 1.

Please ensure that this directive is complied with immediately and communicated to all your members.

I will keep the situation under constant review and communicate any changes with you.

Sincerely and fraternally



Charles A.G. Cunnington

Grand Superintendent