Charles Cunnington Grand Superintendent

The Order of the Holy Royal Arch is the final part of the four-stage journey from Initiation to Exaltation that is known as ‘Pure Antient Freemasonry’ – and is open to every Master Mason of at least four weeks standing.

All our Chapters have been sponsored by a Craft Lodge whose name they generally adopt and take the same number.

However, whilst many of our members belong to these linked Lodge and Chapter units, there are some who choose to join a different Chapter and even meet at a different venue – this widens their experience and circle of Masonic friends. I hope that you find the information on these pages both useful and interesting and if you are not already a member, will consider joining one of our Chapters.

Please talk to your Proposer and Lodge Royal Arch representative who will advise and guide you in your fourth and final step in Pure Antient Freemasonry. They will provide you with a leaflet entitled ‘The Next Step in Freemasonry’ – a copy of which is also to be found on these web pages.

As with all our involvements in Freemasonry, your family and business commitments must come first, but the sooner you feel able to take your fourth and final step in ‘Pure Antient Masonry’, the more time you will have to enjoy the special atmosphere of the Royal Arch and the companionship of its members.


Grand Superintendent