The following guidance from UGLE applies equally to Chapters.

The first slide shows that Chapters failing to achieve a quorum of 5 can abandon the meeting and enter a note in the minutes. The meeting can be called and abandoned when only (for example) the Scribe E appears.

However, if at all possible it would be preferable to hold a quorate meeting (of 5 members), just to open and close.

It is also possible to move the date of the meeting by 28 days either way and to move the place by dispensation from the Grand Superintendent – such dispensation will not be withheld and will be free.

If the meeting abandoned is the election meeting, then the election can take place at the next meeting and the installation also take place at the same meeting. This only applies to the Royal Arch and not the Craft.

If the meeting abandoned is the Installation meeting, then it can take place at the next regular meeting and the existing Principals continue in office until then. This only applies to the Royal Arch and not the Craft.

For warrant above, read Charter.


Roger H Till, PGStB

Provincial Grand Scribe E, Derbyshire