A reminder that the Annual Convocation is to be held on Saturday 6 November 2021 at Derby Masonic Hall commencing at 11.00 am. – followed by lunch at approximately 1.00 pm.
At this meeting it is the intention of the Grand Superintendent to invest all those officers of Provincial Grand Chapter who were appointed in March this year, and those who received promotion in March 2020 and 2021 (and who have yet to be invested).
There will be a rehearsal at 9.00 am on that day.
Your invitation to the meeting was issued by email, direct to you and also via your Chapter SE, and you should have received it by now. Hard copies of the summons will be available at the meeting.
Please complete and return the Reply Slip at your earliest convenience, but certainly to arrive here no later than 18th October 2021.CLICK HERE for Reply Slip
COVID-19. We have finally reached the stage when individuals can assess their own risks and evaluate their own cost/benefit analysis for each and every scenario. This meeting will not be socially-distanced and the wearing of masks will not be compulsory, but many may wish to do so. We are inviting the usual visitors from neighbouring Provinces. You should make your own decisions on the basis of this information. Carefully consider what effect your decisions, particularly in respect of your vaccination status and contact with positive cases, will have on others. Please only attend if you feel secure and relaxed about doing so and if you are healthy.