Around fifty Derbyshire Companions attended Supreme Grand Chapter on Thursday 28th April to support the Grand Superintendent and those companions who were honoured with appointments and promotions. They were
First appointments:
Appointed to the Acting rank of Assistant Grand Sojourner (AGSoj):
Excellent Companion Arthur Steven VARLEY
– a Past First Principal of Chapter of Justice, No. 253
Appointed to the rank of Past Grand Standard Bearer (PGStB):
Excellent Companion Neil STONE
– a Past First Principal of Alfreton Chapter, No. 1028
Excellent Companion Barrie TIPPING, 3rd Provincial Grand Principal
– a Past First Principal of Beaureper Chapter, No. 787
Promoted to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Sojourner (PAGSoj)
Excellent Companion Roger Ian JACKSON, Past 3rd Provincial Grand Principal
– a Past First Principal of Hope Valley Chapter, No 3397
All the above Companions are also Past First Principals in Derbyshire Principals’ Chapter No. 8509.

Almost all fifty stayed to lunch at the Connaught Rooms where the highlight was undoubtedly the fine imposed by the Grand Superintendent on E Comp. Philip Bowler for using his mobile phone at the table. The fact that he was informing the coach driver to come and pick us up in ten minutes was a mitigating circumstance which was, quite rightly, utterly ignored.

The band of 40-odd Companions, who had left Derby Masonic Hall by luxury coach at 6.45 am (or rather 6.45 and 35 seconds because someone was 35 seconds late!), arrived back at 7.20pm having had a thoroughly enjoyable day. The coach, provided by Swiftsure of Burton, was almost brand new and state of the art with on-board toilet, hot drinks and air conditioning. We were dropped off and picked up right outside Freemasons’ Hall and our thanks must go to Philip Bowler for his arrangements.