Dear Companion,

I hope this mail finds you keeping well and staying safe.

Solomon is an online depository of Nuggets, Papers and Presentations for the benefit of those who seek to make their Daily Advancement in Masonic Knowledge in terms of Pure Antient Masonry and was launched by UGLE in December 2018.

At this time when all Freemasonry is suspended in terms of meeting and physically socialising, there are probably many amongst us who may welcome as an escape from self-isolation, who may wish to take advantage of this depository by enrolling an researching subjects with both the Craft and Royal Arch which are of interest to them. It may be even more beneficial if a number of us consider the same nugget or presentation in the same week as this may be a stimulus to share your views on the nugget with your Companions with whom you may be in contact via telephone, email or forms of social media.

To this end we are planning over the coming weeks to suggest a nugget for such contemplation which we will communicate with all Companions in the Province via these mailshots.

However in order to benefit from this one must have already enrolled in Solomon which can be done via then once enrolled to enrol into the Seek & Learn section of the Royal Arch. Either of the two attachments will assist you in this process.

For those of you who use social media, UGLE have a twitter account which regular suggests topics for consideration and this can be accessed via twitter on @SolomonUGLE

Starting next Wednesday we will commence suggesting nuggets for your contemplation and dependant upon feedback will consider the frequency of subsequent suggestions once or twice per week.

Hope you find this of interest and stimulates your Royal Arch activity during this difficult time.

Keep well, stay safe
Graeme Hutchinson
Deputy Grand Superintendent.